Since I probably won't get a chance to be on-line over the next several days, I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry and Blessed Christmas. We are busy getting ready here and don't have any new recipes to share this year. I am using many of my favorite tried and true Christmas favorites. I do have a new recipe I will be sharing soon after Christmas so stay tuned for that. While I was looking up some of my favorite blogs today I found a fun Christmas Meme over at Chef Paz's blog so thought I would post that today. If you would like, post your own answers on your blog and tag some of you blogging friends. Have a safe holiday and let's not forget the reason for Christmas!
1. Wrapping or gift bags? Wrapping paper! It's more fun to open!
2. Real or artificial tree? I prefer real for the wonderful smeel but we usually have artificial.
3. When do you put up the tree? It all depends. This year we still haven't put up the tree yet!
4. When do you take the tree down? By the end of January usually.
5. Do you like eggnog? Love it!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Pretty baby dolls with lots of clothes to change them into.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, that is our main Christmas decor.
8. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Can't think kof one, I always appreciate gifts!
9. Mail or email Christmas cards? Postal mail.
10. Favorite Christmas movie? The Charlie Brown Christmas Special (Does that count as a movie?)
11. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Usually in December.
12. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cookies!
13. Clear lights or colored? Colored, and lots of them!
14. Favorite Christmas song? Silent Night.
15. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? STAY HOME!
16. Can you name all of Santas reindeer? Dancer, Prancer.... Rudolph.... uh... I know there are more but don't know their names!
17. Angel or star on the top of your tree? I'd prefer and angel but right now we have a star.
18. Open your presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Depends on the year, hubby often works on Christmas.
19. Most annoying thing about this time of year? People who forget Christmas is about Jesus, not Santa and gifts and spending lots of money.
20. What do you leave for Santa? Nothing. We celebrate Jesus not Santa.
21. Least favorite holiday song? Can't think of one.
22. Specific theme or color? Celebrate Jesus! That is always our theme.
23. Favorite ornament? A pretty colorful silk fish my mom bought in California when I was a child, it is so pretty!